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Crafting good surveys is a science. Each and every survey requires a certain degree of interaction, conversation and allure…
Try one of these survey templates and launch your first survey today.
User Experience is a measure of the overall experience as well as look-and-feel of your website. In other words, it is everything. Make sure you're offering the Crème de la crème of UX with these survey templates.
Find gaps in your UX that are preventing customers from reaching their goals. With a GCR slide-in survey, you will learn which of your visitors have completed, partly completed or failed to complete a specific goal on your website.
Customer Effort Score is a popular metric that measures how much effort it took the customer to achieve his/her goal. This type of surveys is typically used mainly to gauge the aggregate, digital user experience experience of your customers wi [...]
Traditional smiley faces have been around for years now as a popular feedback metric. So why stop now? Try using these on your homepage forms to gauge user experience on your website.